Buka Undangan

Our Journey

Take a look on our story

Destiny made us meet in 2013 in our campus organization. We started our journey as best friends, and there have been many story exchanges since then. We both never knew that God had created His plan to make us together someday.

There were unbelievable yet memorable stories we recalled several years ago. From any day and any time, we could meet on that day. How the universe started to bring us together after 1-year of lost contact, how Kresna found Susan's Facebook only knowing her first name (the ubiquitous name and no mutual friends), and how God made things smooth for everything that happened in our lives as a couple.

We met at a young age before we finally started the relationship at a mature age. God allowed us to have a relationship that did not work with other people until we were mentally ready to meet the right ones. And here we are, we have been together for five years, and now we are sending you our wedding invitation!

We want to express our gratitude to those who witnessed our story at the very beginning, supported us, and for anything you have done to grow this relationship. You know who you are.

We hope you can witness how God sacredly put us together as husband and wife and celebrate that day with us. See you on our wedding day!

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